Every week, The Foreign Report recommends articles from around the web for you to read.
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c Every week, The Foreign Report recommends articles from around the web for you to read.

Recommended this Week #1

Delhi gang-rape accused were tortured by police, lawyer claims [The Guardian »] The lawyer claims all six men had been beaten and sexually assaulted; now experts are saying their statements can’t be used as evidence.

Invigorated Customs Union Presents Russia’s Neighbors With Stark Choice [RFE/RL »] The Ukrainians are been pushed to decide whether to pursue closer ties with the EU, or the ECU, a Russian led custom union.

With Chávez Ill and State in Flux, Videos Offer an Image of Stability
[The New York Times »] Chávez hasn’t made a public appearance since mid-December, so the TV’s are working overtime to fill the void and reassure the people that he is still the leader.

Will the Mounting Evidence of Rwandan Meddling in Eastern Congo Lead Donors to Change their Response? [African Arguments »] Donors in Rwanda are having to balance development objectives with the country’s security objectives, but some suggest it’s too late for leniency.

Argentina’s leader populist, but no longer popular [The Miami Herald »] Fernández de Kirchner’s popularity is sliding as she attacks anyone that questions how her wealth has grown tenfold since her late husband Nestor Kirchner took office in 2003. Andres Oppenheimer thinks it’s only a matter of time before her luck runs out.

US Calls on Bahrain to Make Progress on Labour Rights [Scoop.co.nx »] The US government will try to address Bahraini violations of the Free Trade Agreement between the two nations, such as the sacking of thousands of trade union members.

Rhino poaching in South Africa reaches record levels [BBC News »] There are indications that Rhino poaching in South Africa is on the rise, driven by demand from Asia. The killing has increased by a factor of fifty in the last five years alone.

Colleges Expect Lower Enrollment [The New York Times »] US colleges are bracing themselves for a drop in revenue. Students are being deterred from university by uncertain job prospects for graduates and declining family income.

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Henrik Cullen is the Editor-in-Chief at The Foreign Report. You can contact him by email: editor@theforeignreport.com

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