Every week, The Foreign Report recommends articles from around the web for you to read.
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c Every week, The Foreign Report recommends articles from around the web for you to read.

Recommended this Week #7

‘Unprecedented’ Conversation Yields Proposals for US-Iran Negotiations 
[Asia Society »] Iran’s Ambassador to the UN Mohammad Khazaee, and former US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Thomas Pickering discuss the future of U.S.-Iran relations.

Syria: Activist Dies in Jail, Second Feared Dead [Human Rights Watch »] The reported deaths highlight the urgent need for the UN Security Council to gain access to all detention facilities in Syria.

Khama wants fewer Chinese firms to receive state contracts [BD Live »] Chinese companies may not be collecting many more government contracts in Botswana in future if Ian Khama has any say in the matter.

Inch by Inch: Africa’s Determined Social Entrepreneurs [Think Africa Press »] When you are a social entrepreneur, you have to take into account poverty, drugs, alcohol, sex working, illness…

What Would China’s Carbon Tax Regime Look Like Dance to the Revolution 
[Harvard Law Blog »] China is introducing a so-called ‘carbon tax’, but will it be effective?

The real star war [The Economist »] One ‘near-miss’ and a direct hit, but can we do anything to defend Earth from the future threat of meteors?

Infographic: Africa by numbers [The Diplomat »] 35 African countries are ahead of China on EIU’s Democracy Index…

Haiti 2010 earthquake: then and now – in pictures [Guardian »] Three years after the earthquake that claimed between 230,000 and 300,000 lives in Haiti and left 1.5 million people homeless, reconstruction continues slowly.

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Henrik Cullen is the Editor-in-Chief at The Foreign Report. You can contact him by email: editor@theforeignreport.com

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