Every week, The Foreign Report recommends articles from around the web for you to read.
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c Every week, The Foreign Report recommends articles from around the web for you to read.

Recommended this Week #6

Obama Pledges Push to Lift Economy for Middle Class [New York Times »] Obama promises an increase to the federal minimum wage during his State of Union Address.

Horsemeat scandal exposes the cheap food imperative [Guardian »] What do we know of the arcane processes and multinational supply chains that lie behind the modern food industry?

North Korea nuclear test irks ally China [LA Times »] When it comes to China’s bumpy relationship with its willful ally North Korea, the main question is who needs it more.

Inside the Islamic Emirate of Timbuktu [Foreign Policy »] Abandoned al Qaeda documents show a theocracy in the making in Mali.

100th Tibetan self-immolates in China, advocacy groups say [CNN »] The number of Tibetans in China who have set themselves on fire to protest Beijing’s rule has reached 100, according to Tibetan advocacy groups.

It’s Official: Julian Assange Will Run for Office [Time »] WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has filed paperwork to run for a seat in the Australian senate as a member of the newly formed WikiLeaks party.

Despite Crackdown on Dissent, Can Vietnam Reform? [The Diplomat »] Even by recent standards in Vietnam, Monday’s life sentence handed down on Phan Van Thu was widely considered harsh…

The missing $20 trillion [The Economist »] Civilisation works only if those who enjoy its benefits are also prepared to pay their share of the costs…

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Henrik Cullen is the Editor-in-Chief at The Foreign Report. You can contact him by email: editor@theforeignreport.com

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