Every week, The Foreign Report recommends articles from around the web for you to read.
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c Every week, The Foreign Report recommends articles from around the web for you to read.

Recommended this Week #4

Syria may respond to Israeli air strike, says ambassador [Guardian »] Syria have written a letter to the UN declaring their right to defend themselves from the Israeli airstrikes.

Timbuktu Endured Terror Under Harsh Shariah Law [New York Times »] After nearly 10 months of occupation by Islamists fighters, the people of Timbuktu recount the stories of their survival.

UK ‘disappointed’ as Argentina turns down talks over Falklands [Guardian »] Argentina’s foreign secretary had objected to representatives of the Falkland Islands government participating in talks as Argentina does not recognise the government as legitimate.

Contacts with the different sides [Deutsche Welle »] The Munich Security Conference has been an annual fixture in the calendar of global decision-makers for the past 50 years. Once again, this year promises a heady mix of urgent issues and high-profile speakers.

Burma: Rights Abuses Endanger Reform [Human Rights Watch »] According to the annual HRW report, Burma’s human rights situation remained poor in 2012, despite some noteworthy actions by the government to adopt rights-respecting reforms.

Hackers in China Attacked The Times for Last 4 Months [New York Times »] After months of repeated attacks from Chinese hackers, the New York Times have moved to protect their computers. Reports suggest the attacks may have been backed by the Chinese government.

The Nordic countries: The next supermodel [The Economist »] Politicians from both right and left could learn from the Nordic countries. Scandinavian nations seem to cluster at the top of most league tables, from economic competitiveness to peace and happiness.

Targeting Grandpa: China’s Seniors Hunger for Ads [Wall Street Journal »] According to a new report from global market research firm Mintel, only 8% of elderly Chinese consumers feel that marketers adequately target them with advertising and products.

The Big Mac index [The Economist »] The Economist have launched an interactive version of the light-hearted guide to PPP based on McDonald’s world famous burger.

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Henrik Cullen is the Editor-in-Chief at The Foreign Report. You can contact him by email: editor@theforeignreport.com

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