Every week, The Foreign Report recommends articles from around the web for you to read.
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c Every week, The Foreign Report recommends articles from around the web for you to read.

Recommended this Week #3

‘Leave immediately’: Britons told to get out of Benghazi after threat from al-Qa’ida [Independent »] British nationals are being urged to leave Libya’s second city after a ‘specific threat to Westerners’ was made by North African terrorists.

David Cameron: we are not turning our back on Europe – quite the opposite [Telegraph »] David Cameron was forced to defend his EU referendum at the Davos. He said that Britain needed an active role in reforming the union.

North Korea Threatens Nuclear Test to Derail U.S. Policies [Bloomberg »] In response to increasing UN sanctions, North Korea is threatening to launch a ‘nuclear test of a higher level’ and further destroy any attempts at peace.

Malian army ill-equipped to fight Islamists [Yahoo News »] When Islamists attacked the key military base in Diabaly last week, the Malian troops fled. Citizens now fear that ‘there is no African country that is strong enough to fight these people on their own’.

Mongolian coking coal mine troubles mount [The FT »] The Mongolian state-owned coal giant has had to delay its public listing after continued political wrangling.

Uganda: Who Pays the Cost when the Aid Stops? [Think Africa Press »] Continued reports of corruption in the Ugandan government is causing many donors to rethink their aid, or suspend it altogether.

Chinese media expands Africa presence [Al Jazeera »] Alongside the Daily Nations and the Star, Kenyans will now find China Daily for sale at their local newsstand.

The Rio favela transformed into prime real estate [The Guardian »] European investors are buying into property in Vidigal, a favela in Rio with beautiful views over the Atlantic. The regenerations has transformed the slum into one of the most fashionable neighbourhoods, but average house prices across the city have risen 165% in three years.

Kill Him Silently [Al Jazeera »] In 1997, Israeli secret service agents tried to kill the Hamas leader. This piece tells the story of the failed assassination.

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Henrik Cullen is the Editor-in-Chief at The Foreign Report. You can contact him by email: editor@theforeignreport.com

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