A UK Visa application office in Kuwait

UK: Are visa bonds winning at home but losing abroad?

The announcement by the UK government to pilot a tough new visa bond scheme aimed at discouraging illegal immigration and reducing net migration will have gone down well at the Home Office. However, given the public perception of the scheme Read on! →

UK Prime Minister David Cameron had been keen to discuss tax avoidance at the G8 summit in Northern Ireland

UK: Was there any progress made at G8 on tax evasion?

Earlier this week, eight leaders travelled to the picturesque Lough Erne lakes of Northern Ireland for the annual G8 Summit under the stewardship of David Cameron. Whilst Syria was the hot topic on the agenda, for the British PM it Read on! →

Nigel Farage in the European Parliament

UK: Is it time for strategic depth in British foreign policy?

In March 1848, the then-Foreign Secretary and legendary statesman, Lord Palmerston, painted a picture of British foreign policy that has been instrumentalised as a realist maxim ever since. Speaking in the House of Commons, in response to the revolutionary fervour Read on! →

The co-operative bank has been downgraded by Moody's

UK: Would criminal law prevent banks taking excessive risks?

On Friday we were yet again reminded of the fragility of the UK financial sector. The Co-operative bank has had its credit rating downgraded to ‘junk’ status by credit rating’s agency Moody’s. In addition, their CEO, Barry Tootell, has resigned Read on! →

The City of London

Europe: Will a cap on bonuses soothe public anger?

Over the past few months, the European institutions have placed the regulation of banks as their primary target.