Category Archives: Roundup

Recommended this Week #8
Kenya election: rape victim fears repeat of 2007 ordeal [BBC »] Amidst the violence that followed the disputed Kenyan election in December 2007, reported cases of rape and sexual attacks against women doubled, according to the UN. Send in the clowns [The Read on! →

Recommended this Week #7
‘Unprecedented’ Conversation Yields Proposals for US-Iran Negotiations [Asia Society »] Iran’s Ambassador to the UN Mohammad Khazaee, and former US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Thomas Pickering discuss the future of U.S.-Iran relations. Syria: Activist Dies in Jail, Read on! →

Recommended this Week #6
Obama Pledges Push to Lift Economy for Middle Class [New York Times »] Obama promises an increase to the federal minimum wage during his State of Union Address. Horsemeat scandal exposes the cheap food imperative [Guardian »] What do we know of Read on! →

Recommended this Week #5
ICC case against Kenya’s deputy PM proceeds despite claim that witness lied [Guardian »] But the case seems likely to be dropped against Kenyatta as the ICC had acted in bad faith, continuing proceedings on false evidence. Intervention: the US won’t, Read on! →

Recommended this Week #4
Syria may respond to Israeli air strike, says ambassador [Guardian »] Syria have written a letter to the UN declaring their right to defend themselves from the Israeli airstrikes. Timbuktu Endured Terror Under Harsh Shariah Law [New York Times »] After nearly Read on! →

Recommended this Week #3
‘Leave immediately’: Britons told to get out of Benghazi after threat from al-Qa’ida [Independent »] British nationals are being urged to leave Libya’s second city after a ‘specific threat to Westerners’ was made by North African terrorists. David Cameron: we are Read on! →

Recommended this Week #2
A third way for Somaliland and Somalia [The Commentator »] Somaliland may never be recognised as fully independent in the international community, but there may be hope of some kind of resolution with Somalia. US general warns over Iranian cyber-soldiers [BBC News »] Read on! →

Recommended this Week #1
Delhi gang-rape accused were tortured by police, lawyer claims [The Guardian »] The lawyer claims all six men had been beaten and sexually assaulted; now experts are saying their statements can’t be used as evidence. Invigorated Customs Union Presents Russia’s Neighbors With Read on! →